Electronic Materials

As a reviewer, you will receive most of the information you need to complete the review from the UNFCCC Secretariat. Much of this information will be transferred to you in electronic form weeks before the review actually begins. Included with these electronic files will be each Party’s National Inventory Report (NIR), Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables, the Locator tool, as well as a wealth of other information, including inventories submitted by each Party in previous years.

The type of information you will receive is illustrated in the figure. These materials are in separate compressed files (i.e., zip files), which you will have to download and then uncompress (i.e., unzip or extract). The screen shot on the right illustrates how to unzip these files using the built in program in Windows.

The links to these zip files are as follows:

[Please note that the Locator Tool will take about an hour to download depending on your internet connection.]

2008 Locator Tool (~ 131 MB)

Once all files are downloaded and extracted (i.e., unzipped or uncompressed), you should have the file structure as illustrated in the screen shot. Materials for the Greece, Luxemburg, Slovakia, Ukraine, New Zealand, and Austria are included.

Each Party's folder includes their Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables, National Inventory Report (NIR) files, and their Status Report. The last folder includes a reduced version of the Secretariat's Locator database tool containing CRF data. You simply have to double click on the "Locator.exe" file to start the Locator program.

File Structure after Extracting the Compressed (zip) Files