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  This section briefly discusses the overall process of preparing a national greenhouse gas inventory, while focusing on the cross-cutting guidance from the IPCC Good Practice Guidance. As a member of an expert review team, you will be expected to have mastered this material. Figure 1 on the right presents an outline of the material covered in this section.

Your next step is to take the Self-Check Quiz for this section to measure your current familiarity with the material. Click here to try a Self-Check Quiz.

If you score above 75% on the quiz then you probably have sufficient knowledge of this material already and can skip this section. Even if you do score well, though, you may want to review the material anyway to refresh your memory.

I. Why Parties Do Inventories

II. GHG Inventory

III. Preparing Inventories

IV. Good Practice Cross-Cutting Elements

  • Purpose
  • Key Categories Identification
  • Methodological and Data Choice
  • Time Series Consistency and Recalculations
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control
  • Uncertainty


Figure 1. Section Outline