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Good Practice Cross-Cutting Elements

What are Cross-Cutting elements for?

The IPCC Good Practice Guidance addresses several cross-cutting elements that are to be included in a Party’s national inventory submission. These are:

• Key Categories (sources and sinks) Identification

• Methodological and Data Choice (e.g., use of decision trees)

• Time Series Consistency and Recalculation Techniques

• Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) including verification exercises

• Uncertainty Analysis

These elements have are intended to help Parties improve the quality (i.e., TACCC) of their inventories and are useful tools for reviewers. They are important elements of a national inventory, but you should remember that their importance derives from their ultimate contribution to improving the quality of the Party’s inventory, especially its emission and removal estimates. As a reviewer, you should use the information provided by the Party (and the Secretariat) on these cross-cutting elements as a tool to help you with your work.



Figure 8. Identifying Cross-cutting Elements