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Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

Quality Control (QC) is a system of routine technical activities to measure and control the quality of the inventory as it is being developed. A basic QC system should provide routine and consistent checks to ensure data integrity, correctness, and completeness; identify and address errors and omissions; and document and archive inventory material and record all QC activities.

Quality Assurance (QA) comprises the Party’s planned system of review procedures conducted by personnel not directly involved in the inventory compilation and development process. Thus, QA includes general procedures such as checking the accuracy of data and calculations and ensuring standardized practices are followed in calculating emissions, estimating uncertainties, compiling and archiving references and other documentation, and reporting.

Tier 2 QA also includes more detailed technical investigations into individual categories, activity and emission factor data, and methods.

“Tier 2” in the case of QC refers to category-specific QC activities, and is different from the “Tier” designation used by the IPCC Guidelines, which refers to the level of detail and specificity of the methodology and data sources used to calculate emissions.

Both QA and QC refer to actions that inventory agencies can take with regard to their own inventories, and not to the UNFCCC review process.

The following are the major elements that are to be included in a Party’s QA/QC system:

  • An inventory agency responsible for coordinating QA/QC activities;
  • A QA/QC plan; (Click here to see an example)
  • General QC procedures (Tier 1);
  • Category-specific QC procedures (Tier 2);
  • QA review procedures;
  • Reporting, documentation, and archiving procedures.

For purposes of the QA/QC system, the Tier 2 QC approach includes all procedures in Tier 1 plus additional category-specific activities.



Figure 13. Quality Control and Assurance