Key categories using the level assessment are identified as any category which, when summed in descending order of magnitude for a given year, cumulatively add up to 95 percent of the total level assessment for that year. Level estimates are based upon the following equation:

Key Category Level Assessment =│Source or Sink Category Estimate│/ Total Contribution

Lx,t*= Ex,t* / Et*


Lx,t* = level assessment for source or sink x in year t. The asterisk (*) indicates that contributions from all categories (including LULUCF categories) are entered as absolute values.

Ex,t* = │Ex,t │: absolute value of emission or removal estimate of source or sink category x in year t

Et* = Σ│Ex,t│ : total contribution, which is the sum of the absolute values of emissions

and removals in year t. The asterisk (*) indicates that contributions from all categories (including LULUCF categories) enter as absolute values.
Because both emissions and removals are entered with positive sign, the Total Contribution may be larger than a country’s total emissions less removals.