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Most of the information on a Party’s holding and transactions of Kyoto Protocol units will be reported in the SEF. The information in the Party’s SEF comes from its national registry. Each Party must begin reporting the SEF in the year following its first transfer or acquisition of units.

The fact that the SEF provides information on a Party’s holdings and transactions of Kyoto Protocol units for the previous calendar year is important to you as a reviewer, because it means that all of the transactions reported in the SEF have previously been checked by the ITL for consistency with the Kyoto Protocol accounting rules

As a reviewer, you will not analyze the information contained in the Party’s SEF directly. However, you should have a basic understanding of the information contained in the SEF in order to understand the parts of the SIAR that pertain to the SEF and determine whether there is a problem with the Party’s accounting of its assigned amount.

The next section provides you an overview of the information in the SEF.  To see the instructions for reporting the SEF, click here.