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Table 3 of the SEF provides additional information on the Party’s implementation of the requirements for accounting for lCERs and tCERs. Separate sections are provided for accounting for of each unit type. The first column describes the event or transaction type. The quantity of tCERs and lCERs that expired, were cancelled or were subject to replacement are reported in the second set of columns. The quantity of Kyoto Protocol units used to replace these tCERs and lCERs are reported in the third set of columns. These should match the numbers reported for replacement in table 2(a).
For example, the first row shows the quantity of tCERs that expired in retirement and replacement accounts during the previous year. According to the rules for accounting for afforestation and reforestation projects in the CDM, the Party must replace these tCERs with the equivalent number of other units. Thus, the total quantity of units reported in the second row, “Replacement of expired tCERs”, should match the number of expired tCERs from row one.
The ITL will check whether the Party has cancelled and replaced tCERs and lCERs correctly.