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4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Field Burning of Agricultural Residues

Where there is open burning associated with agricultural practices, greenhouse gases are emitted during the combustion of organic matter.

Although burning of biomass produces CO2 these emissions should not be accounted for from annual or seasonal crops or for burning residues of permanent crops. This is because it is considered that the carbon that is released during the burning of the residues is recaptured by biomass regrowth in the subsequent year or season. In cases, however, when the vegetation is not fully regrown in the subsequent year, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reported and accounted for under the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry Sector.
Agricultural residue burning releases gases which are by-products of incomplete combustion, namely: methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx, NO, and NO2). These emissions should be accounted for under the Agriculture Sector.

Figure 6. Field Burning