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The decision tree for estimating direct N2O emissions from agricultural soils outlines the steps Parties should follow (see Figure 4.7 in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance).

The main features of this decision tree are:

  • If there is no nitrogen input to soils, no nitrogen-fixing crops are produced, and no histosols are cultivated then the Party should report “not occurring” (NO);
  • If the sub-category is not key, emissions can be estimated using the Tier 1a or the Tier 1b methods, FAO activity data, and default emission factors and partition fractions;
  • If direct emissions from agricultural soils is a key category, and the nitrogen input is a significant source, Parties should collect country-specific activity data for individual contributions of nitrogen and make efforts to obtain rigorously documented country-specific partition fractions and emission factors.  However, if no country-specific partition fractions and/or emission factors are available default partition fractions and/or emission factors may be used.


Fig. 4.7 Decision Tree for CH4 Emissions
from Agricultural Soils