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A UNFCCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Under the UNFCCC, the inventories Parties submit must follow certain requirements to ensure consistent accounting of emissions and removals.

Parties are only required to report anthropogenic emissions and removals. “Anthropogenic” refers to greenhouse gas emissions and removals that are a direct result of human activities or are the result of natural processes that have been affected by human activities. Parties may include any human-induced emissions and removals in their inventory as long as they can be clearly documented and quantified.

Only direct greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6) are to be included in the Party’s Global Warming Potential-weighted emission totals. Because of their function in the UNFCCC process, national inventories must provide point estimates for all source and sink categories instead of a range of values. This requirement illustrates the political role of greenhouse gas inventories (i.e., the emphasis on data suited for compliance and accounting rather than scientifically acceptable ranges).

Parties are generally encouraged to report emissions on a calendar year basis (i.e., Jan 1 through Dec. 31); however, because some Parties' statistical systems are based on financial or other annual deadlines, it is not required in the UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines.






Figure 3. GHG Inventory