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6. Emissions from Agricultural Soils

Emissions of N2O from agricultural soils are primarily due to the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification in the soil. Three distinct sub-categories should be reported: 1) direct soil emissions, 2) indirect emissions, and 3) pasture, range, and paddock (i.e., grazing animals)[1]. Activities that increase the amount of nitrogen added to the soil generally result in higher N2O emissions.

Agricultural soils may also emit or remove carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or methane (CH4). For example, peat compost used as a soil amendment in agriculture and gardening may result in CO2 emissions or removals. Carbon emissions from organic, mineral, and limed soils are, however, to be accounted for under the LULUCF Sector, and methodological guidelines for estimating CO2 fluxes from soils are provided in the good practice guidance for LULUCF.

Figure 9. Agricultural Soils