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1. General Sector Review Issues
There are a few general issues related to reviewing the Agriculture Sector that tend to be cross-cutting, in that they are relevant to more than one category in the sector. As a reviewer, you should ask the following general questions:

  • Has the Party accounted for its entire national territory, including territories abroad, and for the entire time series? (completeness)
  • Has the Party accounted for all livestock species and for the relevant classes (age, sex, breed, management practices) of the population of each species? Are livestock numbers considering the existence of seasonal variations (special breeding periods)?  Do livestock numbers refer to annual production statistics? (completeness)
  • Has the Party accounted for the entire area of cultivated land in the country, and considered all crops? (completeness)
  • Has the Party accounted for each type of residue-producing crop? (completeness)
  • Has the Party reported all the sources of nitrogen input to soils? (completeness)
  • Has the Party provided information on the use of synthetic fertilizer? (transparency)