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1. General Sector Review Issues (continuation)

There are a few general issues related to reviewing the Agriculture Sector that tend to be cross-cutting, in that they are relevant to more than one category in the sector. As a reviewer, you should ask the following general questions:

  • Has the Party reported the whole time series using the same methodological approach? (consistency)
  • Are the Party’s activity data and other parameters based on 1) national statistics, 2) published research, 3) values from Parties with similar environmental management characteristics, 4) expert judgment, or 5) assumptions? (accuracy)
  • Is the Party applying: 1) well documented country-specific emission factors; 2) values from other Parties; 3) expert judgment (accuracy)?
  • Are the country-specific activity data, methods, emission factors, and parameters published in referee journals and easily available?  Are country specific models provided with clear and accurate documentation and explanations (accuracy and transparency)
  • Are the Party’s national statistics data different to those from FAO (or other international databases)? If there are differences, can they be explained given the information provided in the Party’s submission? (accuracy and transparency)
  • What efforts has the Party made to ensure the quality of its inventory data? (QA/QC)