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When reviewing this category, you should check:
  • If CH4 emissions from manure management have been identified as a key category, whether these emissions have been estimated for significant animal types using an enhanced characterization and a Tier 2 method;
  • Whether all types of manure management systems have been accounted for;
  • For a Tier 2 method:
    • Whether country-specific emission factors, methane conversion factors (MCF), maximum CH4 production capacity (Bo), and the share of the manure management systems have been utilized;
    • Whether  the basis of these data are provided, are reasonable, considering the country and animal conditions, and how well do they compare with IPCC default values
    • If default values (instead of country-specific data) for some or all species were used, whether these values are applicable to the national circumstances of their livestock populations;
    • Whether actual data on the usage of each type of manure management system have been collected;
    • If usage data were based on assumptions or expert judgment, whether such data are reasonable, available and presented in a transparent manner;
  • For a Tier 1 method:
    • Whether country-specific emission factors have been used and, if so, whether the basis of these factors is appropriate to the region where the country is;
    • Whether there is support that default factors used are applicable to the national circumstances;
  • Whether Parties have any changes in the types of manure management systems used over time, and whether such changes are reflected in the emissions time series.

IPCC Good Practice Guidance, Section 4.3