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When reviewing this category, you should check:

  • If CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation have been identified as a key category, whether emissions from the significant sub-categories have been estimated using the Tier 2 method based on an enhanced livestock characterization;
  • For a Tier 2 method:
    • Whether disaggregated emission factors for sub-categories of animal species (e.g., by age and sex sub-groups, climate region, management practice, type of feed, etc.) have been used;
    • Whether estimates of Gross Energy Intake (GE) are provided, in accordance with the characteristics of the livestock population, and models, animal characteristics and parameters are well documented;
    • Whether a country-specific methane conversion factor (MCF) values have been used;
    • Whether the basis of these data are reasonable, considering the livestock characteristics and country management practices, and how they compare with IPCC default values;
  • For a Tier 1 method:
    • Whether the Party has demonstrated that any default factors used are applicable to the national circumstances of their livestock populations (e.g region and milk yield).

IPCC Good Practice Guidance, Section 4.2

Figure 33. Cows at Feeding Time