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2. Livestock characterization checks

During your review of a Party’s livestock characterization, you should check whether:

  • The Party has prepared a single livestock characterization to allow a consistent treatment of data across all relevant source categories (e.g., CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation, CH4 and N2O emissions from manure management, and N2O emissions from agricultural soils).
  • The Party has prepared an enhanced livestock characterization for the “significant” animal species of the key categories.
  • The Party has identified any “significant” animal species for which there are no default IPCC emission factors (e.g., llamas, alpacas, deer, ostriches, and emus). In such cases, the Party should have attempted to estimate emissions using country-specific factors that are based on an enhanced livestock characterization.
  • Animal populations were consistently disaggregated across the entire time series.
  • The Party has provided transparent documentation on its livestock characterizations and the data upon which these characterizations were based.

Figure 32. “Significant and Non-significant” Animal Species