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Remember that:

  • Cattle and sheep for enteric fermentation are most likely to be “significant.”

  • Cattle, sheep, and swine for CH4 and N2O emissions from manure management are most likely to be “significant.”

  • Other animal species contributing at least 25% of the source category’s emissions are also likely considered "significant."

Reminder: If enteric fermentation or manure management is a key category, then Parties should develop an enhanced livestock characterization for their “significant” animal species and use a Tier 2 methodology.

Reminder: For non “significant” animal species a Tier 1 method and basic livestock characterization is acceptable.
Non "significant" animal species typically include goats, horses, mules, assess, camels, and poultry. If neither enteric fermentation nor manure management is a key category, Parties are still encouraged to use a Tier 2 method and enhanced livestock characterization for their significant animal species.
IPCC Good Practice Guidance, Section 4.1

Figure 32. “Significant and Non-significant” Animal Species