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  1. Using the information provided in the Parties’ Status Reports, which Parties did NOT provide a complete set of CRF tables for the Agriculture Sector?
    1. Austria, Greece, Luxemburg, and New Zealand
    2. Greece and Ukraine
    3. Luxemburg and Slovakia
    4. Luxemburg, Slovakia, and Ukraine
    5. All six Parties

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  1. The completeness of a Party’s inventory submission also depends on whether it has estimated emissions from all sub- categories within a source category. Some categories, such as enteric fermentation, manure management, and agricultural soils can have multiple sub-categories, depending upon the number of different animal species, waste management systems, types of nitrogen inputs to soils, other factors, as well as any other national circumstances.

Looking only at the submissions from Austria, Greece and Ukraine for N2O emissions from manure management, which statement best describes the three submissions?

    1. All 3 Parties provided incomplete estimates for all sub-categories.
    2. All 3 Parties addressed all relevant animal species, but none addressed all waste management system types.
    3. All 3 Parties addressed all waste management system types, but none addressed all relevant animal species.
    4. All 3 Parties addressed all relevant animal species and waste management system types.
    5. None of the above
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