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The following questions require you to examine the additional information (parameters (fractions) used to estimate N2O emissions in the agricultural soils category) presented by Austria, New Zealand, and Ukraine. To answer each question use the following list of issues or potential problems.

  1. Mistake in units for the parameters reported
  2. Fraction values not reported for all years
  3. Large difference between reported values and IPCC default values
  4. Large inter-annual changes in the time series
  5. Some values have not been reported or not estimated

  1. Which selection of issues or potential problems can you identify by examining the data from Austria’s submission?
    1. I and II
    2. II and III
    3. III and VI
    4. I, II, and IV
    5. III and V

  2. Which selection of issues or potential problems can you identify by examining the data from New Zealand’s submission?
    1. I and II
    2. II and III
    3. III and VI
    4. I, II, and IV
    5. III and V

  3. Which selection of issues or potential problems can you identify by examining the data from New Zealand’s submission?
    1. I and II
    2. II and III
    3. III and VI
    4. I, II, and IV
    5. III and V

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