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  1. After reviewing Austria’s NIR for N2O emissions from agricultural soils and manure management, which statement best describes the origin of the activity data used?
    1. No information is provided on the source of the activity data used.
    2. All activity data are based on national statistics.
    3. Activity data for manure management is based on detailed national statistics, but no information is provided on the basis of agricultural soils activity data.
    4. Activity data is based on a combination of national statistics and research studies.
    5. None of the above
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  1. Estimating CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation using the IPCC Tier 2 methodology requires that Parties estimate “average gross energy intake” (GE) and “CH4 conversion factor” values for dairy cattle, non-dairy cattle, and sheep. A Party’s GE value is derived from other underlying parameters. Parties should then report additional tables or other information that supports their estimation of GE values. Parties’ CH4 conversion factor values are typically based on IPCC default values.

    New Zealand has applied the most appropriate method to estimate CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation and reported it in a transparent way. (True/False?)

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