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Getting Prepared

The basic preparations you need to make before starting each case study are essentially the same as for a real review. They consist of the following:

  1. Be sure you have downloaded all the relevant review materials for the selected Party’s current inventory submission. For the present case studies, these are the same materials we have used throughout this course. (Click here if you still need to download these materials now.
  2. Also, make sure you have access to the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines, the IPCC Good Practice Guidance, and the UNFCCC Reporting and Review Guidelines. You need to be familiar with the relevant sections of these documents. If you have not been using these documents recently, it is a good idea to refresh your knowledge before progressing further.
  3. It is important that you take careful notes on your observations and findings as you progress through each case study. These notes will be valuable when you begin writing the review report. In real situations any analyses you prepare will also be important documentation for the UNFCCC Secretariat and the Party that is being reviewed.
  4. Another important step in the review process is developing a plan, in conjunction with the other members of your review team, and prioritizing your work. In practice, this means establishing a timetable and a division of work. While participating on a centralized or desk review team you will be paired with another agriculture expert to prepare reports on up to eight Parties. While participating in an in-country review team you will be the only agriculture expert, although you will have direct contact with the Party’s own inventory experts. For the present case studies you will be working alone.