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2. Reviewing Other Analysis Documents

During a real review, after examining the Status Report you should also examine other analysis documents provided by the UNFCCC Secretariat, including:

  • Synthesis and Assessment (S&A) report (both Parts I and II)
  • Previous review reports for the Party

Part I of the S&A report provides you with useful comparisons of the Agriculture Sector emissions data and related information both across Parties and over the complete time series.  Part II of the S&A report provides a compilation of specific findings (including potential problems) identified during the S&A phase of the review.  This part of the S&A report is shared with the Party concerned, which can provide additional comments and or clarifications before the expert review team begins the third phase of the review (in-country visit, centralized or desk review).

For this case study, we will focus on the Part I of the S&A report.

After examining Part I of the Synthesis and Assessment report, what noteworthy observations can you make that may be relevant to the review of Ukraine’s Agriculture Sector?

After you have written down your answer in your notes, compare it with the answer by clicking Answer below.
