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3. Reviewing the NIR and CRF Tables

Now it is time for you to begin your full review of Ukraine’s Agriculture Sector submission. You should have both Ukraine’s National Inventory Report (NIR) and Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables, along with all the other supporting documentation (e.g., IPCC and UNFCCC documents). Make sure you have fully prepared yourself to conduct this review (refer to the ”Getting Prepared” section).
Although it is impossible to predict how much time you will need to complete a rigorous review for this case study, we estimate that an absolute minimum of 3 hours is required to carefully consider all the relevant source categories and issues. After you have completed your review, you will be tested to check your understanding of Ukraine’s Agriculture Sector. Once you have successfully completed the test, we will begin stepping through the preparation of Ukraine’s review report.
Remember, when reviewing a Party’s reported Agriculture Sector emissions you should systematically note the following:

  • The Party’s identification of key categories,
  • Selection and use of methodologies and assumptions,
  • Development and selection of emission factors,
  • Collection and selection of activity data,
  • Reporting of recalculations and consistent time-series,
  • Discussion of uncertainties, and
  • Quality assurance and quality control procedures.
Additionally, identify any inconsistencies, outstanding issues relating to previous reviews and areas for further improvement. There will not necessarily be noteworthy observations to report in each of these areas. Moreover, while you are primarily looking for deficiencies or problems, it is important that you provide constructive comments as well as positive feedback (e.g., acknowledge any outstanding achievements and progress made in addressing previous review issues).

4. Case Study Test

Click here to take a self-check test related to the documents you are reviewing for this case study.