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Now that we have stepped through the review process, you can examine the complete example review report for Ukraine’s emissions from the Agriculture Sector. You may send any suggestions you have to improve this example review to the course instructor. Write to ghgtraining@unfccc.int. Again, you should note that the outline of this example review report is not exactly the same as the new template used by the UNFCCC Secretariat for real review reports. The basic content, however, is the same.



IV.   Agriculture

A.  Sector overview

61. In 2004, the agriculture sector accounted for 7.4 per cent of total national GHG emissions, or 30,417.33 Gg CO2 equivalent.  Over the period 1990–2004, emissions from the sector decreased by 70.0 per cent.  N2O from agricultural soils and CH4 from enteric fermentation were the major agricultural categories, contributing 49.6 and 38.1 per cent, respectively, to total sectoral emissions in 2004.  Recommendations from previous review reports have been taken into account and recalculations performed for the entire time series and all categories using corrected AD, and country-specific EFs and methodologies.  Appropriate efforts such as using international data to fill data gaps as well as methods of interpolation and others have been made to ensure time-series consistency if the same data sources are not available for the entire time series.  Tier 1 QA/QC procedures have been performed for emissions estimates, EFs and AD.  Quantitative estimates of uncertainty were provided for the sector.