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2.  Agricultural soils (direct soil emissions and indirect emissions) – N2O

63. Ukraine used country-specific methodology to estimate emissions from animal manure applied to soils, crop residue, atmospheric deposition, and nitrogen leaching and run-off.  The methodologies are in accordance with the IPCC good practice guidance.  Ukraine used country-specific data for nitrogen fractions in crop residues (stubbles and roots), dry matter fractions in residues and residue/crop ratios for N-fixing crops.  The majority of the data for synthetic fertilizer use are supplied by the State Committee on Statistics and, where necessary, data gaps were filled using FAO data (1992, 1994, and 1995) and interpolation when required.  Ukraine provided recalculations for the entire time series in its original 2006 submission.  Due to these recalculations total N2O emissions from this category increased by 8.0 per cent in 2003 compared to the previous submission.