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This brief test is intended to help you evaluate your existing knowledge on the Agriculture Sector. It will not comprehensively assess your knowledge, but it will help you evaluate how much time you should invest to refresh your technical background. Again, the primary focus of this module is on helping you develop skills as a reviewer. It assumes that you have prior knowledge on emissions from Agriculture Sector source categories. Click here to take the Self-Check Quiz

If you score less than 70% on this initial test, you should consider taking time  to refresh your knowledge on agriculture by reviewing the relevant chapters of the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance and to carefully complete the background section (i.e., Lessons 1 and 2) of this module.

1. Source Categories

2. Emissions Processes

3. Highlights from IPCC Good Practice Guidance

Figure 1: Lesson Outline