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  1. To be transparent, a Party’s submission (i.e., NIR and CRF tables) must clearly document the justification for selecting the methods and factors used.

Which of the following statements best describes the transparency of the inventory submission from Austria in regards to its method and data used for CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation?

    1. Austria did not provide information on the methodology used.
    2. Austria used a Tier 1 method and supplied basic information on its methodology in its NIR and activity data in its CRF.
    3. Austria did not justify the use of Tier 1 and default emission factors for this source category.
    4. Austria used both Tier 1 and Tier 2 methodologies and supplied information on methods, activity data, and emission factors used.
    5. None of the above
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  1. Does New Zealand’s NIR document the emission factors used to estimate CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management?
    1. New Zealand’s submission is not transparent because country specific emission factors are not properly documented and reported.
    2. New Zealand’s NIR provides transparent information on its country-specific emission factors.
    3. None of the above
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