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This case study will guide you through a practice review of the Agriculture Sector portion of the New Zealand’s 2000 national greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

Unlike the previous case study for Ukraine, you will be expected to independently prepare your portion of the review report (i.e., on the Agriculture Sector). After you have drafted your own text, we will then step through our example report. You can then compare your findings to those given in the example report. Make sure that the overall content of your answers are consistent with the example report.
Before starting the case study, be sure you have completed the appropriate preparations described in the ”Getting Prepared” section. Click here to go back to that page.
You should progress through each of the sections in the Figure on the right. Attempt to answer each question before clicking for “Help.” Looking at the answers first will only cause you to be less prepared for your final exam on this training module.

1. Reviewing the Status Report

2. Reviewing Other Analysis Documents

3. Reviewing the NIR and CRF Tables

4. Case Study Test

5. Writing the Review Report

Figure 3: Review Process